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Diplo Says “I’m Not Gay” Despite Getting Oral Sex From A Man

EDM producer Diplo says he’s received oral sex from a male in the past, but he’s adamant that that does not make him gay. In a discussion with Emily Ratajkowski on her High Low podcast, he talks about his sexual experiences and somehow begins to explain that he might have engaged in sex with someone of the same sex.

The times are changing, and being gay is no longer marked by stigma and discrimination, especially with equal rights like the right to get married and for a same-sex couple to have legal rights in owning property, access to laws that previously benefitted heterosexual couples, etc. Yet, it’s still a long way from complete acceptance and very few are willing to talk about their sexual experiences in the way that Diplo is doing.

According to the music producer, he’s sure he’s had sex with a man in the past. “I’m sure I’ve gotten a blowjob from a guy before. For sure,” Diplo says in a now-viral clip. “I don’t know if it’s gay unless you like make eye contact while there’s the blowjob happening.” He added, “Getting a blowjob’s not that gay, I think.”

As for what his sexuality is, he explains that he’s fluid and doesn’t want to label himself and even hints that he has been with many men before.

“I think the best answer I have is I’m not not gay,” he said. “There are a couple guys… I could date, life partner-wise,” he added, explaining that he goes for a “vibe” rather than gender.

Diplo has in the past been linked to a slew of women, including rapper M.I.A, Katy Perry, Kate Hudson, and others. The Major Lazer member also fathered three sons by Kathryn Lockhart and recently welcomed a baby boy with beauty queen Jevon King. The 44-year-old has also been accused of raping a young Canadian woman in 2020, but her lawsuit was later dropped.

He also shared in the podcast what turns him on.

“Wood chopping guy is kinda sexy,” he says. “I don’t know if that’s the thing that’s gonna send me over to the gay side completely, but they’re pretty hot.”