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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Visit of the Mayor of New Orleans

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Visit of the Mayor of New Orleans

Last week, LaToya Cantrell Mayor of New Orleans met with members of the Cap-Haitien city council in the presence, among others, of Emmelie Prophète Milcé, the Minister of Culture, for the launch of the Maison Anténor Firmin [born in Cap Haïtien in 1851] as part of the rehabilitation project of the Polyvalent Memorial Cultural Center of Cap-Haïtien (CCMPH).

"This project celebrates our shared African heritage and the strength and perseverance of Black communities in New Orleans and Haiti.

With the collaboration of many partners in Haiti and New Orleans, including our own New Orleans firm, Williams Architects, we will stand together, focusing on the beauty of diversity and bringing projects like this to life," said Mayor LaToya Cantrell.
