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iciHaiti - EDH : General blackout since June 30

iciHaiti - EDH : General blackout since June 30

The tripping of a circuit in one of the EDH substations caused a general tripping of the network, plunging the country into darkness...

Pierre Michel Félix, Vice-president explained "[...] This kind of tripping in substations is commonplace. The slightest fault in a substation can cause tripping. However, it is not always that this can lead to a general tripping of the grid," adding "[...] generally this kind of problem, if there is no complication, can be solved in one hour. »

The only problem is that the employees responsible for initiating the process to restart the plant are those who are currently on strike," explained Pierre Michel Félix, Vice-President of the Federation of EDH Workers' Unions, who called on the strikers to Péligre to observes a truce to avoid penalizing the population...

IH/ iciHaiti