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iciHaiti - NOTICE: Opening of a special window to speed up customs clearance

iciHaiti - NOTICE: Opening of a special window to speed up customs clearance

Julecène Edouard, Director General of the General Administration of Customs (AGD) advises economic operators, importers of goods, customs office managers and all customs staff that in the context of trade facilitation and more particularly with the aim of speeding up the customs clearance process for imported goods, a special window dedicated to large importers will be opened at the AGD to process their customs declarations.

It should be noted that large importers will be selected based on volume, weight, customs value and duties and taxes paid for the imported goods. The list of selected major importers will be displayed at the Port-au-Prince Airport Customs Office.

It is also important to emphasize that the benefit of this facilitation measure does not exempt large importers from customs control.

IH/ iciHaiti