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Michael Collins
People say they get their information “From the Horse’s Mouth,” when trying to communicate the validity of whatever information might be involved.
Unfortunately, Haitians, and many of the International Community, seek
information “From the Horse’s Ass,” as they accept the words of Pierre Esperance, self-declared head of Haiti’s NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENCE NETWORK in Haiti.
Lives are destroyed.
Businesses ruined.
Truth abandoned.
Esperance is reciting a lot of provably false information about Guy Philippe who is being released from custody, in the States, after pleading guilty to a flawed charge – to prevent the immoral, actually illegal arrest of his wife.
But, that’s another story.
Esperance is the photo on the left, just so you don’t make a mistake.
This criminal has monetized the Human Rights business, promoting the agendas of many who are 180 degrees out of step with anything to do with Human Rights.
This week I met a young man who had spent ten years – YES TEN YEARS!!! – in prison because of false evidence supplied by Esperance. And he is just one of the many faceless Haitians trapped within our prison system because of this criminal.
And then, there are the more sophisticated victims, damaged by Esperance in return for bags of $100 American dollar bills – gourdes not accepted.
The recent flow of Canadian Sanctions owes much to the Esperance crime team. For cash he willingly slips false information to decision-makers.
If you can’t trust the Human Rights King, who can you trust??
So it is that businessmen like Haiti’s Reynald Deeb find themselves sanctioned for no valid reason.
And, once sanctioned, it is next to impossible for the innocent to correct the outrage.
Canada has sanctioned some who deserve this fate.
But Deeb, and a number of others, have been targeted because of false evidence, supplied by Esperance, and business competitors.
There are countless, unseen victims of the Esperance game as he damages our nation’s fragile infrastructure..
The Horse’s mother has lodged a complaint.
We misidentified the Horse’s Ass as Esperance in the article.
Esperance is on the right.