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Over Fifty Liberian Workers Signed Employment Contract With China Mall…

Fifty-Seven (57), Liberian workers at the China Mall in Paynesville City, are being made to sign employment Contracts with their Management and to benefit from   increment in salaries.

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, a team Labour Inspector led by Deputy Labour Minister for Planning and Manpower Development, Madam Hannah M. Karbo discovered that 57 Liberians working with the Chinese business center were working without any employment status such as employment contracts or letters of employment in violation of the 2015 Decent Work Act of Liberia.

Deputy Minister Karbo and her team also discovered that the workers were working for ten (10) hours a day instead of eight (8) hours for a day work in keeping with the Labour Law of Liberia.

Following these discoveries, the Labour Ministry Inspectorate Team temporarily shut-down the Mall to ensure compliance to the Labour Law.

After hours of discussion and dialogue between the Management and the Ministry of Labour, the management of China Mall immediately commenced the issuance of employment contracts to the Liberian workers.

The management has also agreed to pay for the overtime of two hours per-day the workers had worked in the past and to begin the payment US$67.00 monthly as overtime of extra two hours per a day work.

As a result of the Ministry intervention, the salary of Liberian workers working with the China Mall have now been increased from US$180.00 to US$247.00 monthly.

Addressing the workers following the Ministry’s interventions, Deputy Minister Karbo thanked the workers for their openness in informing the inspectors of the Ministry about their working conditions at the Chinese Business Center.     

The Deputy Labour Minister used the occasion to informed workers across the country that the Labour Ministry is open to all and encourage them to call on the Ministry whenever there are issues.

The exercise is part of a nationwide labour inspection of business and employment institutions recently embarked on by the Ministry of Labour.

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