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Holy See
Letter to the People of God at the end of the Synod of the Church 2024: Synodality is the way God expects of the Church
Messaggio del Santo Padre ai partecipanti all’VIII Festival della Migrazione (25-28 ottobre 2023)
USA: Representatives from Catholic and Pentecostal Churches Meet for Ecumenical Dialogue
Bishop tells UK parliament prayer will conquer jihadism
Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem’s moving letter on the situation in the Holy Land
Messaggio del Santo Padre in occasione dei 180 anni di fondazione della Pontificia Opera della Santa Infanzia
Concistoro Ordinario Pubblico per la creazione di 21 nuovi Cardinali
Concistoro Ordinario Pubblico: Assegnazione dei Titoli e delle Diaconie ai nuovi Cardinali
Udienza ai Membri dell’Associazione “Familia da Esperança”
Lettera del Santo Padre Francesco alla Comunità Cattolica del Viet Nam in occasione dell’adozione dell’Accordo sullo Statuto del Rappresentante Pontificio Residente e sull’Ufficio del Rappresentante Pontificio Residente della Santa Sede in Viet Nam
Telegramma del Santo Padre, a firma del Cardinale Segretario di Stato, per le vittime dell’incendio a Qaraqosh (Iraq)
These are the changes announced by the Vatican for its Museums as of January 2024
Iraq: Archbishop speaks of grief after 100 killed in wedding fire
After WYD, Pope receives Portuguese Prime Minister at Vatican
German Catholics Donated 673 Million Euros to Projects Worldwide
Pope attends surprise meeting of priests in Rome area where murders have occurred
Letter #129, 2023, Thurs, Sep 28: Strickland
Avvisi ai giornalisti
Le Lettere Credenziali dell’Ambasciatore di Malaysia presso la Santa Sede
What Came Out of the Pope’s Apostolic Journey to Marseille? The Pope Himself Explains It
Cardinal Sako, Patriarch of Chaldean Catholics Says: “I’m Disappointed by the Holy See’s Position”
Intervento di S.E. Mons. Paul Richard Gallagher all’UN High-level Meeting to Commemorate the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Egypt bans niqab in schools
Pope Announces Second Part of Encyclical “Laudato Si” Will Be Called “Laudate Deum”
Macao: Opening Ceremony of the “Art for God” Artworks and Spiritual Reflections Exhibition
Unprecedented: Pope Francis creates a public university at Vatican to respond to global crisis of meaning
Pope Francis chooses 2023 and 2024 World Youth Day themes for dioceses
Chechnya and Nagorno Karabakh: the Caucasus, crossroads of the Russian world
U.S. Undersecretary of Homeland Security visits the Vatican
Comunicato del Dicastero per i Laici, la Famiglia e la Vita
The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors concludes Plenary Assembly 2023
Exorcist Talks about the Devil, End Times and Doors that Are Opened with Reiki, Ouija and Others
Pope Francis Speaks Harshly Against Child Pornography: “Criminality at the Service of Mobile Phones
Benedict XVI’s Biographer Defends the Deceased Pope . . . from the President of the German Bishops!
On Sunday, Pope attends Italian Senate for death of former Italian president
Rupnik was not “the cause”: Vatican clarifies why Cardinal Ladaria asked for dispensation from Synod
What criteria does God follow to reward us? Pope Francis explains from the Vatican
Is the Pope frustrated, did he talk about euthanasia with Macron? Three answers on flight from France to Rome
Pope Talks in Marseilles About the Mediterranean as Cradle of Civilization and Graveyard of Dignity
The Pope’s second and last day in France: from Macron to the Missionaries of Charity and 100,000 French in the streets
How Do I Know If I Trust God? Pope Explains It in Marseilles with Two Women: Mary and Elizabeth
Pope in France: his first day in France
Letter #123, 2023, Sun, September 10: Letter from La Salette
Lettera del Santo Padre all’Inviato Speciale a presiedere la Messa di chiusura del IV Forum Europeu de Irmandades e Confrarias con l’incoronazione canonica della Madonna Addolorata Basilica di Mafra, Portogallo (17 settembre 2023)
Messaggio del Santo Padre Francesco, a firma del Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin, in occasione della Giornata Internazionale dell'Alfabetizzazione
Document proves that nuns and religious in Rome saved 3,200 Jews during Nazi persecution
Udienza ai partecipanti alla XLVII Settimana Biblica Nazionale
Pope Francis: two hours listening to Ukrainian bishops. He explained to them his words about Russia
India: Omission of religious persecution in Manipur conflict denounced
Catholic priests, with Vatican backing, make study visit to Orthodox Armenians
New-born and All His Family To Be Beatified
Five “Curiosities” That You Didn’t Know About Pope Francis in Mongolia (with Photos)
[From Rome] Pope Francis in Asia: A Trip to Mongolia to Evangelize with Messages for Russia and, Especially, for China
Pope Francis and His “Press Conference” on His Return from Mongolia in Ten Interesting Main Points
This was the Pope’s last day in Mongolia
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Mongolia (31 agosto – 4 settembre 2023) – Cerimonia di congedo dalla Mongolia all’Aeroporto Internazionale di Ulaanbaatar, telegramma al Presidente della Mongolia, telegrammi ai Capi di Stato e arrivo a Roma
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Mongolia (31 agosto – 4 settembre 2023) – Incontro con gli Operatori della Carità e Inaugurazione della Casa della Misericordia
Pope Francis’ second full day in Mongolia
Letter #123, 2023, Sat, September 2: Letter from Garabandal
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) - Via Crucis con i Giovani nel Parque Eduardo VII
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) – Confessione di alcuni Giovani della GMG e Incontro con i Rappresentanti di alcuni Centri di Assistenza e di Carità nel Centro Paroquial da Serafina
Lisbon WYD (Day 3): This Was the Pope’s Morning on His Third Day in Portugal: He Heard Young People’s Confessions, and Met a 106-Year-Old Woman
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) – Confessione di alcuni Giovani della GMG e Incontro con i Rappresentanti di alcuni Centri di Assistenza e di Carità nel Centro Paroquial de Serafina
Lisbon WYD (Day 3): How Is My Love? Concrete or Abstract? Pope Francis’ Simple but Profound Meditation in Lisbon
Lisbon WYD (Day 2): On the Morning of the Pope’s Second Day in Portugal, He Offered a Mass for the Relatives of a Woman Who Was in Lisbon for the WYD and Died as the Result of An Accident, and for University Students
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) - Incontro con i Giovani Universitari presso la Universidade Católica Portuguesa di Lisbona
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) - Cerimonia di Accoglienza presso il Parque Eduardo VII
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) - Incontro con i Giovani di Scholas Occurentes presso la sede di Cascais
“Be Influencers”: Cardinal Tagle’s Great Reflection That Merited a Long Ovation of Influencers in Lisbon
WYD Lisbon 2023 (day 2): Pope explains to hundreds of thousands of young people what it means “to be called by name”
Lisbon WYD (Day 2): This Was the Pope’s Afternoon on His Second Day in Lisbon Among Hundreds of Thousands of Young People
Lisbon WYD (Day 1): Three Grandparents Bid Pope Farewell in the Vatican Before His Departure for Lisbon
WYD Lisbon 2023 (day 1): This was the Pope’s afternoon on his first day in Lisbon
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) - Incontro con il Presidente dell’Assemblea della Repubblica e con il Primo Ministro nella Nunziatura Apostolica di Lisbona e recita dei Vespri nel Mosteiro dos Jerónimos di Lisbona
Lisbon WYD (Day 1): Pope Francis Is Welcomed at the Lisbon Airport by the President of Portugal
Lisbon WYD (Day 1): Nine Drones Intercepted, 200,000 Young People Attend First Mass and Other Amazing Data
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) – Accoglienza Ufficiale, Cerimonia di Benvenuto, Visita di Cortesia al Presidente della Repubblica del Portogallo e Incontro con le Autorità, la Società Civile e il Corpo Diplomatico
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) – La partenza da Roma, Telegramma al Presidente della Repubblica Italiana e Telegrammi ai Capi di Stato
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 – 6 agosto 2023) – La partenza da Roma e il telegramma al Presidente della Repubblica Italiana
Lettera del Santo Padre al nuovo Rettore Magnifico della Pontificia Università Lateranense
Decreto di Nomina dei membri del Consiglio Superiore di Coordinamento della Pontificia Università Lateranense
Vatican’s Cycling Team Participates in the Cycling World Championship in Scotland
Pope Francis will paint with a revolutionary brush the new world dreamed of by the young people of Scholas Occurrentes
Catholic Church in USA recognizes three women with highest pro-life distinction
European Court of Human Rights to determine whether it was legal to ban worship by COVID
The Parable of the Merchant of Precious Pearls Explained by the Pope (With Concrete Questions To Be Applied in Life)
Vatican Secretary of State Explains What a Papal Representative Is and What It Will Mean for the Pope to Have Such a Figure in Vietnam
Pope Francis Makes History: First Pope on Facebook Live
Israeli Journalist Dresses as a Franciscan and Makes Visible Jews’ Discrimination Against Catholics
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco a Marsiglia per la conclusione dei “Rencontres Méditerranéennes” (22-23 settembre 2023) - Programma
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco a Marsiglia per la conclusione dei “Rencontres Méditerranéennes” (22-23 settembre 2023) - Avviso n. 1
Telegramma del Santo Padre a firma del Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin per i danni causati dagli incendi in Grecia
Lettera del Santo Padre in occasione del 30° anniversario degli attentati alla Basilica Papale di San Giovanni in Laterano e alla Chiesa di San Giorgio al Velabro
Letter #117, 2023, Thurs, July 27: Hilarion
Archbishops demand West lift sanctions crippling Christian community
Christians in India Suffer More Than Two Attacks a Day
Pope Francis hopes that World Youth Day in Lisbon will be a “seed for the world’s future”
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Portogallo in occasione della XXXVII Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù (2 - 6 agosto 2023) – Statistiche
Messaggio del Santo Padre ai partecipanti al Festival dei Giovani (26-30 luglio, Medjugorje)
Vietnam and Vatican: Holy See to have resident papal representative in socialist country
And If I Conceal a Grave Sin in Confession? Two YouTuber Priests Answer
Will the German Synodal Way Continue? German Bishops and Cardinals of the Curia Meet for Further Discussions
Sudan: Christians facing choice between fleeing and hardship
Burundi: Church promoting peace to prevent another genocide
“I Am With You”: WYD’s Last Campaign Is Launched on the Eve of the Event’s Opening in Lisbon
Comunicato della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede: Udienza al Primo Ministro dell’Uganda
Rescriptum ex Audientia Sanctissimi: Soppressione delle Fondazioni Buon Samaritano e Giustizia e Pace, e costituzione Fondazione Van Thuân
Udienza alle partecipanti al Capitolo Generale delle Religiose di Maria Immacolata, Missionarie Clarettiane
Peru: What Does the Sodality of Christian Life Think About Archbishop Charles Scicluna’s Visit to Peru to Investigate Them?
More than 28,600 Young People and 60 Bishops from the USA Traveling to Lisbon for World Youth Day
An Anglican Takes the Helm of the Ecumenical Community of Taizé
Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life launches a podcast
Santa Messa in occasione della III Giornata Mondiale dei Nonni e degli Anziani
Pope’s Wonderful Homily on Jesus’ Parables and Grandparents
How Can We Clean Up the Darnel in the Field of Our Heart? The Pope Answers
Comunicato della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede: Udienza al Presidente della Repubblica del Ghana
Congress vs. FBI: Alleged Spying on American Catholics
USA: On the “disappearance” of sexual abuse by clergy
USA: Bishops Show Commitment to “One Church One Mission” with Grants Supporting the Poor, Suffering, and Marginalized Around the World
Ukraine: Catholic diocese provides life-saving aid to people traumatized by the war
Islamic influence in Europe? UN Human Rights Council ratifies laws criminalizing blasphemy
“The Chosen” Series Resumes Season 4 Filming After Strike Threat
Germany Faces a Dilemma Regarding Assisted Suicide: Bundestag Rejects Two Draft Laws
USA: VT snowboarding coach fired for sharing view that males have physical advantage over females in sports
On Ukraine: Vatican reveals that Cardinal Zuppi delivered Pope’s letter to President Biden
On World Day of Grandparents and Seniors, 6,000 seniors will have Mass with the Pope at the Vatican
Comunicato della Santa Sede circa l’Accordo Supplementare tra la Santa Sede e il Kazakhstan sulle relazioni mutue del 24 settembre 1998
Charity helping young people experience the joy of World Youth Day
Benedict XVI’s Former Secretary Is Already in His New Residence, but Has Ministerial Limitations
White House Refers to Topics Covered Between President Biden and Cardinal Zuppi, Pope’s Envoy to the United States on Special Mission
Pope Francis continues to pursue dialogue with China but will Beijing do the same?
Pope Francis’ New Personal Secretary Is Argentine and Barely 40
Pope Francis Names New Auxiliary Bishops of Los Angeles
Lettera del Santo Padre in occasione del 10° anniversario della visita a Lampedusa
XVI Assemblea Generale Ordinaria del Sinodo dei Vescovi – Elenco dei Partecipanti
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Mongolia (31 agosto - 4 settembre 2023) - Avviso n. 1
Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Mongolia (31 agosto - 4 settembre 2023) - Programma
How the U.S. church helps the African church with an annual fundraiser
Armed group killed children in a Ugandan school while chanting their evening prayers
New cathedral to be consecrated in diocese shaken by terror
First “Guidelines” of The New Prefect of The Dicastery for The Doctrine of the Faith
Impressive: nearly 2,000 young Iraqi Catholics celebrate faith in the midst of a Muslim community
Ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis Institutes a Commission That Will Recognize Catholic Martyrs and Those of Other Christian Confessions
Decreto del Santo Padre Francesco circa le realtà di formazione al Sacerdozio nel territorio della Diocesi di Roma e nomina del Rettore del Pontificio Seminario Romano Maggiore
Decreto della Penitenzieria Apostolica circa la concessione dell’Indulgenza Plenaria in occasione della III Giornata Mondiale dei Nonni e degli Anziani
Cardinal Parolin and human trafficking: new sculpture of St. Bakhita blessed
Nicaragua: Ortega’s Police Raze Nuns’ House and Expels Them
Strasbourg Endorses Poland’s Ban on Abortion for Foetal Malformations
USA: Opponents of free speech rev up misinformation engine following historic 303 Creative ruling
A cardinal in Moscow, the power of the powerless
Good news: interfaith dialogue bears fruit in Pakistan, says bishop
Calendario delle Celebrazioni presiedute dal Santo Padre Francesco (Luglio - Agosto 2023)
The Problem of Suicide Among the Catholic Clergy: Alarm Raised Given the Increase in Some Countries
This is what the Pope asks of Catholics for the month of July: to put the Eucharist at the center of life
Video del Santo Padre con l’intenzione di preghiera per il mese di luglio diffusa attraverso la Rete Mondiale di Preghiera del Papa
U.S. Bishops’ Religious Liberty Chairman on Supreme Court’s Ruling in 303 Creative v. Elenis
Messaggio del Santo Padre ai partecipanti alla 43ª sessione della Conferenza della FAO
Who Is a Prophet Today? Pope Francis’ Simple Explanation
“A Month Ago I Said to the Pope That I Didn’t Accept” the Appointment: Public Letter of the New Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith
Argentine Prelate Is New Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
Pope Francis In Hungary: “You Must Be A ‘Bridge Builder'”
Zelenksy to Francis: “Thanks, But No Thanks”
The Holy Is the Real… Not AI
Pope Says to Orthodox Delegation That Upon Reaching Full Unity the Bishop of Rome’s Prerogatives Will Not Be the Same with the Orthodox
First Visit Concludes of the Cardinal Sent by the Pope on Peace Mission to Russia
Udienza ai Membri della Delegazione del Patriarcato Ecumenico in occasione della Festa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo
Messaggio del Santo Padre in occasione del II Meeting Internazionale “La scienza per la pace” a Teramo
U.S. Bishops’ President and Chairmen Rebuke Distortion of Church Teaching in Abortion Statement by Members of Congress
U.S. Bishops’ Religious Liberty Chairman on Supreme Court’s Ruling in Groff v. DeJoy
Who Is Jesus for Me? Who Is Jesus in My Life? The Holy Father Answers on The “Day of the Pope”