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iciHaiti - Education : The 2022-2023 digital roadmap of the Ministry of Education is moving forward

iciHaiti - Education : The 2022-2023 digital roadmap of the Ministry of Education is moving forward

Despite the economic situation, the 2022-2023 digital roadmap of the Ministry of National Education is moving forward :

To date, 81,896 diplomas have been legalized and issued online;

16,679 schools were registered online by their director;

165,482 candidates for the 9th AF exams were registered online by the schools.

Distribution of registrations for the 9th A.F. :

Artibonite: 18,423 students

Center: 13.571
Grand'Anse: 6,534
Nipples: 7,391
North: 18.662
Northeast: 7.748
North West: 10,364
West: 62.882
South: 12,396
South East: 7,571

Total : 165,482

IH/ iciHaiti