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Chazama’s case adjourned to November

Robert Ngwira
Robert Ngwira

Attended Our Future Private Secondary School in Rumphi from 2006-2009 Holder of Diploma in Journalism from Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) Hobbies, reading newspapers, going out with friends, listening to radio and watching football. Email: [email protected]

The Chief Resident Magistrate Court in Blantyre has today failed to continue hearing a case involving former Minister of Homeland Security, Cecilia Chazama.

Instead, Chief Resident Magistrate Chisomo Msokera will continue hearing the matter in November.

The development follows a file of notice by parties involved in the case.

Former Cabinet Minister, Cecilia Chazama and six others are accused of hiring 127 unqualified Immigration Assistants.

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