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Senior Al-Shabaab official surrenders to Somali security forces

Monday May 29, 2023


Mogadishu (HOL) - The Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), a senior Al-Shabaab figure, Abdirahman Ma'alin Ahmed, has laid down his weapons and turned himself over to authorities.

He is known within the terrorist group's inner circles as Abu Sa'eed or Sharif. Ahmed's extensive history within the Al-Shabaab ranks includes various roles of leadership and influence, spanning 16 years.

Among his numerous posts, Ahmed was the self-appointed chief of Al-Shabaab's Banadir Regional Court. He was also the General Head of Al-Shabaab's Court. Somali intelligence officials say that Ahmed was a trusted confidant and advisor to the late Al-Shabaab leader, Ahmed Godane.

One of Ahmed's duties was overseeing the collection of extortion funds in the volatile Lower Shabelle region, which underlined his importance within the organization as a key player in the group's economic operations.

Security analysts expect Ahmed's surrender to be a crucial blow to Al-Shabaab.