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Somalia's finance minister lifts suspension of two officials despite corruption allegations

Friday July 7, 2023


Mogadishu (HOL) - In a surprise reversal, Dr. Elmi Mohamud Noor, Somalia's Finance Minister, has rescinded the suspensions of two senior Ministry of Finance officials, the Director of Revenue and the Accountant General on Friday despite previous allegations of mismanagement.

Noor maintained that the decision does not dismiss the administrative charges but serves as a stern warning for future conduct. The reason for the minister's reversal of his earlier decision remains unclear.

Both officials recently faced serious allegations. These ranged from actions detrimental to the national interest to disrupting the administration of the Ministry of Finance. The specific charges included the intentional delay of payments, withholding salaries without justification, and impeding access to the SFMIS system in the Tax Department.

The minister said reinstating the officials does not mean the charges have been dropped. Noor sees this as a chance for them to improve their performance while simultaneously serving as a warning. 

The reinstated officials have yet to comment publicly on the matter.


Statement from Somalia's Minister of Finance, Dr. Elmi Mohamud Noor:

Subject: Repeal of the Dismissal Order for the Director General

In reference to: The letter with reference MOF/OM/542/2023 dated July 06, 2023, regarding the dismissal of the Accountant General.

I am invoking: The substantial responsibility as stipulated by the JFS Constitution, Article 102 (1), which compels me personally to oversee the activities of the Ministry of Finance and comply with the General Financial Management Law, Article 8(2).

Addressing the issue that: The Director of Revenue, being new to the Directorate of Revenue and having served for only a short period, has committed the errors cited in the dismissal letter for the first time.

My decisions are as follows:

I have rescinded the decree which suspended the Director General of Revenue of the Ministry of Finance of the Federal Government of Somalia, as mentioned above.

The aforementioned suspension does not absolve the existence of administrative charges. Therefore, a warning will be issued to the Director General, emphasizing the need for the close monitoring of performance and adherence to the ministry's duties and responsibilities, as well as the implementation of procedures, guidelines, and directives issued by the Minister.