Brunei Darussalam
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Women’s gathering to celebrate Maulidur Rasul

The Tutong Community Hall in the Tutong District witnessed a significant women’s gathering as a complementary event to the Maulidur Rasul Celebration on Thursday, attended by over 400 women from Muslimah groups from various mosques, representatives of the Senior Citizen Activity centre (PKWE), as well as spouses of Mukim Penghulus and Village Heads in the district.

The spouse of the Minister of Finance and Economy II Pengiran Datin Noor Yashimah binti Pengiran Anak Haji Hashim was guest of honour.

The gathering served as a unifying platform for women to strengthen their connection with their faith and commemorate the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during this sacred occasion.

A section of attendees during the event. PHOTO: NURDIYANAH R

More details on Friday’s Borneo Bulletin