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Security agencies trained to tighten security at entry ports

By ‘Mamohaila Rampo


Ministry of Home Affairs has, through the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) United Nations (UN)), capacitated members of Lesotho security agencies with tools to intensify research and address human trafficking challenges.

These were gathered at a training workshop on Wednesday, for a session that sought aid trainees to develop best practices for intelligence-led border management, identify diverse threats to the border and key data elements to improve electronic passenger profiling among others.

Through this initiative, security agencies were afforded a three-day training workshop to help strengthen security at the country’s land ports of entry and airports. Human trafficking mostly occurs at entry ports, the training provided them with skills to help put an end to human trafficking.

Speaking at the workshop, the IOM UN Migration Head of Office, Eriko Nishimura said when she arrived in Lesotho back in 2017, the country was lagging behind with regard to addressing the issue of human trafficking. Nishimura mentioned that they then came up with different strategies to help prevent it, and within two years, the country has been able to move from a junk stage rank to a much improved ranking even though it is not where they aspire.

Nishimura said that the key importance of this training was to help eradicate the scourge of human trafficking completely, especially within the most targeted places such as the ports of entry.

The IOM UN Migration Head of Office explained that they will be working closely with relevant officials across the country as well as civilian societies to ensure that Lesotho continues to make profuse progress in ending modern-day slavery.

Ministry of Home Affairs Principal Secretary (PS), Tumelo Raboletsi, stated that whenever a traveller would go through international airports, various border agencies outside Lesotho would notify all other security agencies within the country that the traveler was going into using an integration approach to secure borders.

However, over the years Lesotho has only relied on inspecting travelers’ passports but this training will help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of security at the borders so that movements of foreigners coming in and out of the country would not go undetected.

He added that Lesotho’s development partners acknowledge the commitment of the government towards ensuring that the country will not be used by smugglers anymore. The PS further added that once there was a political will, there was nothing that could prevent them from moving the country towards a strategic objective.

Also, U.S. Embassy Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Special Agent Michael Welsh-Phillips was present at the workshop to equip security departments with the skills he possesses in the intelligence unit.

Security agencies trained to tighten security at entry ports

‘Mamohaila Rampo


Ministry of Home Affairs has, through the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) United Nations (UN)), capacitated members of Lesotho security agencies with tools to intensify research and address human trafficking challenges.

These were gathered at a training workshop on Wednesday, for a session that sought aid trainees to develop best practices for intelligence-led border management, identify diverse threats to the border and key data elements to improve electronic passenger profiling among others.

Through this initiative, security agencies were afforded a three-day training workshop to help strengthen security at the country’s land ports of entry and airports. Human trafficking mostly occurs at entry ports, the training provided them with skills to help put an end to human trafficking.

Speaking at the workshop, the IOM UN Migration Head of Office, Eriko Nishimura said when she arrived in Lesotho back in 2017, the country was lagging behind with regard to addressing the issue of human trafficking. Nishimura mentioned that they then came up with different strategies to help prevent it, and within two years, the country has been able to move from a junk stage rank to a much improved ranking even though it is not where they aspire.

Nishimura said that the key importance of this training was to help eradicate the scourge of human trafficking completely, especially within the most targeted places such as the ports of entry.

The IOM UN Migration Head of Office explained that they will be working closely with relevant officials across the country as well as civilian societies to ensure that Lesotho continues to make profuse progress in ending modern-day slavery.

Ministry of Home Affairs Principal Secretary (PS), Tumelo Raboletsi, stated that whenever a traveller would go through international airports, various border agencies outside Lesotho would notify all other security agencies within the country that the traveler was going into using an integration approach to secure borders.

However, over the years Lesotho has only relied on inspecting travelers’ passports but this training will help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of security at the borders so that movements of foreigners coming in and out of the country would not go undetected.

He added that Lesotho’s development partners acknowledge the commitment of the government towards ensuring that the country will not be used by smugglers anymore. The PS further added that once there was a political will, there was nothing that could prevent them from moving the country towards a strategic objective.

Also, U.S. Embassy Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Special Agent Michael Welsh-Phillips was present at the workshop to equip security departments with the skills he possesses in the intelligence unit.