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Two Knesset members propose law banning spread of Christianity in Israel

Legislation, if passed, would send violators to prison for 1–2 years

Source: Jordan News

AMMAN — Two members of the Israeli Knesset have introduced a bill that would ban all efforts to spread Christianity in the land where the Jesus Christ was born, Jo24 reported.

The bill, introduced just before Palm Sunday and Passover, two important holidays in the Christian calendar, threatens violators with imprisonment, according to the All Israel News outlet.

The proposed legislation would ban “all efforts by persons of one faith who wish in any way to discuss or attempt to persuade adherents of other faiths to consider changing their current religious beliefs”, according to the outlet.

    The proposed legislation would ban “all efforts by persons of one faith who wish in any way to discuss or attempt to persuade adherents of other faiths to consider changing their current religious beliefs”

The bill applies to people who have spiritual conversations with Israelis of any religion, and the penalty for violating this law would one year in prison, and, if the conversation is with a minor, two years in prison.

The bill was presented last week by Representatives Moshe Gafni and Yaakov Asher, ultra-orthodox Jewish members of United Torah Judaism party, which has seven seats out of 120 in the current Knesset.

The two deputies are part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition, consisting of 64 seats.

Warning against Christians In their official explanation of the bill, the two lawmakers emphasized a warning against Christians, in particular.

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