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World Teacher’s Day activities slated for October 6 in Castle Bruce

Mervin Alexander

President of the Dominica Association of Teachers (DAT), Mervin Alexander, has said that the association is making preparations to organize a day of fun and games for World Teacher’s Day this year.

World Teacher’s Day will be observed on October 6, 2023.

He said the activities will be held at Castle Bruce.

“We are looking forward to having a whole day of fun and games,” Mr. Alexander said.

According to him, the association plans to have a public speaking competition as well as a spelling bee competition for primary and secondary schools.

“We are looking forward to seeing more participation from schools in these activities,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Mr. Alexander said the DAT welcomes the news from the government of the commencement of building new schools in various communities on the island.

“This will go a long way in elevating the difficulties and discomfort faced by both students and teachers and enhance the teaching and learning environment,” Mr. Alexander said.

He went on to state that teaching is not just a job, it is a lifetime journey of learning and growth, “so continue expanding your horizon.”

“By doing so, you ensure that you provide the students with the best possible education and prepare them for future challenges,” Mr. Alexander encouraged.